August 10, 2006
Well, I wasn't sure about it or I would have posted earlier but it seems that YES, Steven has cut his first tooth! It popped through before he turned 4 months but it was still hard to feel so I wasn't quite sure it was a tooth. It's on the bottom and not even a front tooth. I am just amazed at how fast he is growing. I think Evie was about 10 months when she got her first tooth. Before we know it he's going to be walking and running everywhere!
In my last post that I accidentally erased I had to share about my trip to the grocery store with them. I usually enlist Evie's help as a way to keep her from getting too bored, keeping her interested and wanting to stay with me. So first I asked her to help me find the milk and then on to the eggs. Before I actually thought that one through there was a dozen jumbo eggs on the floor. It looked like the floor was covered with little sunshines! I couldn't get angry and almost laughed. I just said to her that was why mommy always tells her to be careful with eggs. She looked so sad after it happened and didn't leave my side for the next twenty minutes. She had one arm wrapped around one fo my legs. Poor thing. I don't think she will do that again anytime soon. At least they weren't Faberge!
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