Wilson Family Updates

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

July 31, 2007 Another First

Today Steven had his very first haircut! I took him to the special kids salon that Evie has been going to. He sat in the hydraulic chair all by himself like a big boy and laughed and smiled as his hair was being trimmed. I only had his bangs trimmed and the back of his head neatened up. I am just not ready to get rid of those baby curls just yet. His bangs were starting to get in his eyes so it was time. Evie got her hair cut at the same time. She loves going because she can play computer games while her hair is being done. She asks to go back all the time telling me her hair is too long again, even if it's only been a day since it was cut!
Steven had a check up today as well. We are a bit concerned as he is not gaining weight and his growth chart that they keep seems to be leveling off a bit too quickly. They plot his growth on this graph and it's supposed to keep arching upwards, only his seems to be heading in more a straight line. Starting tomorrow I will be keeping a journal of everything he eats for three days and then giving it to the doctor. I believe I was told that babies are supposed to triple their weight by the time they reach one year of age. Steven is almost 16 months and weighed in at little more than 20 pounds today which STILL isn't DOUBLE his weight. He's extremely active, strong, developmentally ahead of schedule, but still so small! At 16 months he still wears a lot of 6-9 month clothing. He's also a very finicky eater and the doctor has advised I give him whatever he'll eat that's fattening. She even told me to give him milkshakes, ice cream, pudding, etc however often I could to get him to gain some weight. So now I am torn between wanting him to gain and wanting him to learn healthy eating habits.
I haven't taken any new pictures lately that I have downloaded, but I promise I will! Life has been a little crazy here. I am still adjusting to losing Molly. Her food bowl is still out. I just haven't been able to put it away yet. At least I stopped putting food in it. Not that the other dogs care which bowl they eat out of, it's just the smallest so I always looked at it as Molly's dish. I haven't picked up her ashes as of yet either. The finality to that act is just too much right now. I did order her urn though which was very difficult. Nothing fancy, just a small darkly stained wooden box with a place for a picture. A fitting resting place for such an unassuming, loving soul.


Blogger Unknown said...

Melissa, I still get very emotional when I think about Raider, and how long has that been?

Much Love from your Dad

9:31 PM  
Blogger Michele said...

Hi Melissa... not sure if you remember me but it's Michele from the "list." I used to live in East Greenbush and we chatted a bit here and there... it was nice to read your blog and catch up with you and the family. Would love to catch up with you again!! I'll try emailing you at your email address from the list and hopefully you get it! :)

6:22 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...


4:18 PM  

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