August 23, 2006
It's official. Evie is now 3 years old as of Monday. We had a fun day and I took her to Toys R Us to spend her $3 gift card she received as being part of their birthday club. She also got a free balloon and they announced over the PA that it was her birthday. They gave her a crown but she didn't want to wear it. She picked out a little gumball machine as her prize. This also meant that last night I got to put peanut butter in her hair to take the gum that she got in it, out. Ken didn't believe me that it would work. I guess he had never heard of the peanut butter in the hair technique. Of course her hair now looks a bit oily even after me washing it. I guess baby shampoo isn't a great degreaser.
Steven is back to his happy smiley self. It's wonderful to have my happy baby back. He is now big enough to fit in his step and play piano and the excersaucer my mom has at her house. He is so long he can actually stand flat footed! When Evie was his age we used a phone book underneath her until her tootsies could touch. He seems to enjoy being able to move around on his own. He likes being upright and able to look around. He also had his first taste of sweet potatoes Monday night and seemed to enjoy them though Ken tasted them and thought they were less than palatable. They are both growing like weeds!
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