Wilson Family Updates

Saturday, September 30, 2006

September 30, 2006

Yesterday my little boy crawled! For the first time. I was shocked. I put him in his crib and put a few toys in there while I put some of his clothes away and looked and he was quickly making his way from one end to the other to get to the different toys! My amazing little guy!
Evie also had a dentist appointment yesterday and did great. She didn't cry or fight anything. She held her mouth open when asked to and held very still. She was given a new Blues Clues tooth brush as well as a battery operated Cinderella tooth brush. Now they just paint on the flouride. No more yucky gels that you have to bite into some foam thing for 5 minutes for anymore! And the toothpaste isn't gritty either. There was another girl there just 7 days younger than Evie that needed work done and they had given her something to drink that made her very relaxed. She couldn't even sit up on her own, but no shots and no gas! I think I would have been a lot less scared of the dentist if these things had been around when I was young. Now I'm not afraid to go, just can't afford it!
A little sad news was discovered yesterday as well. It looks like Tawney has developed a tumor on her belly. The vet feels it is most likely malignant based on the age she was when she was spayed. It's very small and the vet at this point feels comfortable taking the "wait and see" approach. I am suppsed the call every two weeks to tell him if the tumor has grown any. He said they can remove it but it's a very expensive surgery. He also thinks she may be developing kidney problems. Tawney is only 11. I just had a cocker client pass away at 20 years of age a few weeks ago. Tawney also went blind in one eye when she was only 9 and I think her eye sight is deteriorating in the other eye as well. She's not in any pain which is the good news. And now we will be keeping a closer eye on her. We still have hope that the tumor does not grow at all and is benign.
That's our latest here at the Wilson house. We'll keep posting more updates on the kids, both two and four legged.


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