Wilson Family Updates

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Halloween Pics-Steven

You can kind of see the motion of Tawney getting out of the chair! They aren't the greatest pics but Tawney was not feeling cooperative! I think he looked like Steve from Blue's Clues but people still didn't get the costume. Oh well, I had fun dyeing Tawney!

A budding Photographer

Evie took these pictures all by herself. She really loves taking pictures and usually does a really good job of getting her "subject" on frame. Her usual targets are her brother and the dogs. Steven always smiles bigger for her than anyone else taking his picture!

Halloween pics-Evie

My beautiful princess! She was a wonderful Cinderella even if her crown didn't stay on long!

Friday, November 03, 2006

November 3, 2006

Steven is 7 months old today! Wow! And his bottom front tooth popped through! No wonder he's been cranky. Ear infections and teething. A double whammy! He is pulling himself up on the furniture and starting to cruise a bit. He looks so funny because he's so small to be doing it. I keep telling people he looks like a computer generated image because it just seems so impossible for someone his age to be as mobile as he is.
I was summoned for jury duty today. I mention because I was initally summoned while I was in the hospital after I had my c-section and they told me they would put it off for 6 months. They sure kept true to that! I've never served for jury duty before and have no idea what to expect but hopefully can find someone to watch the kids. They don't have any allowances for stay at home moms which I think is silly.
I still haven't gotten around to downloading the Halloween pictures. Evie was a beautiful Cinderella and it was SO warm that day she didn't need to wear a long sleeved shirt or even a jacket. What a beautiful day it was all around. Many people stopped to look at our Blue dog but no one "got" Steven's costume without a lot of explanation. Oh well, I thought it was creative. And reusable! He can wear the same outfit to church!
I'm looking into enrolling Evie into a dance class. There is one that starts in January and goes until June and then they have a recital at the Palace Theater which I think would be fun. She loves to dance and does so anytime she sees anyone else dancing. I was told by some of my Mom friends about exercise videos called "Little Kicks" that are gears towards kids but adults can get a good work out too. May be a good way for me to get some exercise and her to expel some energy!