Wilson Family Updates

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Steven's second birthday!

His party was, if you couldn't guess, a Spiderman party! He had lots of fun and was very tuckered out after it was all over. We had it on our church gym which is wonderful for us. Lots of open space, the kids have tons of room to run and play and the adults don't have to worry about not being able to see the kids or them crashing into one another! One of Steven's toys was a Spiderman "battle station" type toy. It has an air pump that works an elevator, foam rocket launcher AND pushes Spidey down a slide! Ken could not WAIT to get home and put it together. I think he played with it more than Steven did that night. We have so many new toys now we're going to have to get rid of a lot of the older, outgrown items. Gives me an excuse to clean house! Not that I need one, but it's a good motivator! Enjoy the pictures!

I made the cake and used the Wilton cake tinting. Apparently I used a bit too much for the blue as everyone who ate the cake had blue teeth for a while!