Wilson Family Updates

Saturday, September 30, 2006

September 30, 2006

Yesterday my little boy crawled! For the first time. I was shocked. I put him in his crib and put a few toys in there while I put some of his clothes away and looked and he was quickly making his way from one end to the other to get to the different toys! My amazing little guy!
Evie also had a dentist appointment yesterday and did great. She didn't cry or fight anything. She held her mouth open when asked to and held very still. She was given a new Blues Clues tooth brush as well as a battery operated Cinderella tooth brush. Now they just paint on the flouride. No more yucky gels that you have to bite into some foam thing for 5 minutes for anymore! And the toothpaste isn't gritty either. There was another girl there just 7 days younger than Evie that needed work done and they had given her something to drink that made her very relaxed. She couldn't even sit up on her own, but no shots and no gas! I think I would have been a lot less scared of the dentist if these things had been around when I was young. Now I'm not afraid to go, just can't afford it!
A little sad news was discovered yesterday as well. It looks like Tawney has developed a tumor on her belly. The vet feels it is most likely malignant based on the age she was when she was spayed. It's very small and the vet at this point feels comfortable taking the "wait and see" approach. I am suppsed the call every two weeks to tell him if the tumor has grown any. He said they can remove it but it's a very expensive surgery. He also thinks she may be developing kidney problems. Tawney is only 11. I just had a cocker client pass away at 20 years of age a few weeks ago. Tawney also went blind in one eye when she was only 9 and I think her eye sight is deteriorating in the other eye as well. She's not in any pain which is the good news. And now we will be keeping a closer eye on her. We still have hope that the tumor does not grow at all and is benign.
That's our latest here at the Wilson house. We'll keep posting more updates on the kids, both two and four legged.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

September 27, 2006

Busy, busy, busy. It seems like I never stop moving lately. Both the kids came down with the virus that was going around. Evie ran a temperature but Steven didn't. He's still not quite himself but definitely better. He wore his first pair of jeans today. It was so cute. He laughs so much and it takes very little to get him to laugh. I remember "performing" for Evie at this age to try to coax a laugh or smile out of her. She was a very happy baby as well but just didn't laugh as much as he does. He'll be in the car laughing at nothing in particular that I can see. He has also been sleeping better waking only once the last few nights.
Today Evie and I made Halloween cookies. She saw the Pillsbury kit in the store which comes with the edible images and we made them today. When Ken came home she said "Daddy, we made scary cookies". It was so cute. I haven't decided what the kids will be for Halloween. I think Evie wants to be a princess and I did see a cute little Spider costume for Steven. We'll have to do some shopping soon so Evie can pick something out. I remember my mom always made our costumes but I am just not that handy with a sewing machine. That and the two I have need fixing. My "craftiness" right now is being used to make Steven his Christmas stocking. It's very similar to the one I made Evie. Another felt applique stocking with beadwork and sequins. Both have snowmen on them. I wanted them to be fairly similar so there was about the same amount of work involved but different enough that they could easily tell them apart. Of course their names being embroidered at the top would be the biggest clue.
I can't believe I'm seeing Christmas things in stores already. Evie really wants that new Wishing Dora doll she's seen on TV. I saw it at Walmart today and it's a bit pricey. Of course if she could actually grant wishes it would be worth the $40!
Evie just got home from choir practice. Ken took her tonight. I'm off to see how she did. She loves playing with her friends from church. I'm so glad there are finally some kids her age that attend. Many will be close to Stevens age since a lot of babies have been born and a few more are due at our church. After every service I always have at least one person come tell me what a wonderful baby he is since he has never (knock on wood) cried during church. Better go as he is also now waking up!

Monday, September 18, 2006

September 19, 2006

Sorry all for again falling behind. Still recovering from my gall bladder being removed.
I think Steven may have another ear infection. He will see the doctor tomorrow. He's not wanting to nurse and has been crankier than usual. He's usually so happy all the time. It's rarely a challenge to get him to smile. He loves to play peek-a-boo and can hold his own bottle now. He's just so sweet. I'm entering him in a photo contest for the picture people. Of course if they don't chosse him we all know they are blind (whoever "they" are).
Evie started Sunday school yesterday and did very well. The teacher said she was very well behaved and interacts well with the other kids. She really liked it. She also likes the Cherubs (kids choir) that she's in now. She keeps asking to "go sing". SHe has a fascination with the stars and going to the moon. She asks Ken and I to get her a rocket so she can go to outer space. I've told her she needs to go to a specail school to learn how to fly a rocket and she keeps asking if the bus will come pick her up to go to school so she can fly a rocket. Ken takes her outside at night to look at the stars and she just loves it. She's already asking for a "felascope". Perhaps if she still has such a keen interest in a few years we'll invest in one. Maybe one day our little one will be an astronaut.

Friday, September 08, 2006



September 8, 2006

I've been lax about posting lately. Lots of things going on. I just had my gall bladder removed two days ago and I'm starting to feel like myself again. Thank goodness for medical advances! A few days and I'll be completely back to my old self.
Steven is such a doll. So smiley! He's almost crawling! He can get on his hands and knees and push himself forwards and then his legs straighten out underneath him. He does move around that way though it's slow going. Ken had him overnight by himself for the first time since he came home from the hospital while I was in the hospital preparing for surgery. He seems to be cutting a third tooth. He keeps me amazed on a daily basis. He's eating baby foods now and likes sweet potatoes, bananas, pears, and carrots. Applesauce seems to upset his stomach so we've steared away from that. He laughs a lot, all by himself in the car or in the crib I hear gim giggling away.
I'm posting pics of Evie's birthday. The cake kind of "melted" as I didn't use very stiff frosting for the animal faces. The directions said to use regular canned frosting but I think decorators frosting would have worked much better. At least Evie seemed to like it and recognized who everyone was supposed to be. Evie joined the church childrens choir called the Cherubs. She will be singing for the first time on Sunday. I can't wait to see her. They have only had one rehearsal so I don't know how much she will actually remember and sing but it should still be fun and adorable. Of course she is always adorable!
Hope you enjoy the pictures and I will try to be better about updating my blog more.