Wilson Family Updates

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Happy New Year! January 3, 2007

It's the new year. So much is happening! Steven had his first Christmas, first New Year and now he is ready to take his first step any day it seems. He'll stand there and look at you and then look like he's going to step forward, move one foot and then goes down into a crawl. The fake-outs are making me crazy! I missed Evie's first steps so I really want to see Steven's.
Here are the lamb pictures I promised and some from Christmas as well. She loved being the lamb, though she kept telling everyone she was a bunny. It did kind of look like a rabbit costume. She kept trying to play with "baby Jesus" who was a little baby named Max in our church.
Every Christmas Eve Ken reads T'was the Night Before Christmas to Evie and now Steven. He had just printed a copy of the poem onto a sheet of paper and was reading that so this year I gave him an actual book to read to the kids. Evie asked him to read it to her a few times which tickled him. I always take pics of him reading it. i videotaped the first year though we had to stop and start a few times because she kept fussing. She was only 4 months at the time!
And if I am brave enough I will post a pic of the night Ken and I went to his company Christmas party. We got all gussied up and had a nice sit down dinner with his co-workers and their families. He won a game they played and we had a nice time. It's nice to feel like adults once in a while! Though I am pretty sure Grandma and Grandpa (or Pa Pa as Evie calls him) were very happy to see us walk through the door when we returned.
Steven has 2 more ear infections, he had 2 about 2 1/2 weeks ago so he's being sent to an ENT on the 16th. I'm hoping he doesn't need tubes. The thought of him going under anesthetic at his age scares me. He also has his top two teeth making their way in. He chews on everything!