Wilson Family Updates

Monday, February 05, 2007

cute pics

February 5, 2007

My little boy is growing so fast. I can't believe it but on Thursday he said "Ma Ma" for the first time. I thought perhaps it was just some sounds he was making but he was saying it all day Saturday as well. I have been looking at him showing him how to say it with my own lips and watch as he has tried to mimick me. It's so darn cute. He walks everywhere pretty much now. It seemed with Evie that even once she started walking she still crawled a lot because it was a faster way for her to get around, but Steven seems like he really wants to perfect this walking thing he's discovered. He is into everything and loves going over to the TV to play with the buttons. He'll turn and look at you waiting for a reaction then give you a big grin as he starts hitting buttons. He actually "yelled" at Ken the other night. He was trying to pull the DVD's out of the spinner we have and Ken was telling him "no" and put his arm in front of the movies. Steven grabbed onto his arm with both hands, leaned towards Ken's face and went "uuuungh" and I just burst out laughing. I know it's not a behavior we want to encourage but the first time seeing it just caught me off guard.
He is also starting to go through some separation anxiety which is quite normal for his age. He doesn't like me to be anywhere he can't get to. We've put babygates up so he can't get into the kitchen and he hates it when I go in without him. I'm too nervous to cook with him around. Heaven forbid I knock something hot over or break something on the floor. That and the dog food and water dishes are his favorite forbidden plaything. He is still fighting an ear infection too which is another reason I think he always wants to be held. I am hoping the tubes help.
Evie is a whirling dirvish these days! It seems like she has so much energy and I wish I had more outlets to give her for it. We dance and play during the day but it's not the same as being able to run around outside. It's been so cold lately though. Much too cold to be out for any length of time even with Steven bundled up well. She loves to pretend she's a doctor and likes to "listen" to my heart and look at my throat and teeth. The other day she told me after listening to my heart that it was time for the girl baby to come out so to put my feet up and push. And when she says push she meant it. She started trying to push on my stomach as I was laughing. Perhaps I watched one too many Labor and Delivery shows while I was pregnant with Steven. She keeps asking me for a sister. She's even asked if we could go back to the hospital and exchange Steven for a girl. Of course most of the time she is thrilled to have a little brother, she just wants a sister too. I've told her she can pretend her cabbage patch baby is her sister but I don't think she's satisfied with that.
The other day at church I watched her as she was up with the kids chior singing and there was a little girl I didn't recognize. She looked about 2 years of age and was standing next to Evie. You could tell the little girl was a bit afraid being up there and I saw Evie make a motion towards her and at first wasn't sure what she was trying to do. Then I realized she was trying to make the little girl feel better. She was patting her head and I think I saw her trying to help her do the sign language for the song. I also saw her bend down to try to talk to her. It was just too sweet. I am so blessed to have such wonderful children. And Evie has taken some more pictures. She's into close-ups of everything! Dog fur, sippy cups, the water filter and of course faces. I will get around to downloading her pictures eventually. Right now I'm just posting some cute pics I've taken recently.