August 29, 2006
It seems like it will never stop raining. The kids have been couped up inside for the past fe days. At least Evie has many new toys to occupy her time with. We've played a lot with her play-dough zoo kit. She loves adding googley eyes and different limbs to balled up dough. She has also discovered the blue and pink dogh mixed together create purple! We've also been building castles with her moon sand and playing hungry hungry hippos. She loves to sing and has been invited to join the cherub choir at church. She is now also old enough to attend Sunday school and has been begging to "go to school" for about 6 months now.
Steven is wonderful as usual. He laughs all the time. Today I put him in his crib and turned his fiher price aquarium crib toy on and went into the other room and after a few minutes I just head him start laughing. It takes very little coaxing to get him to smile or giggle. He's also started some "solids". I say it that way since his solids are more like thick liquids! So far he has tried and liked sweet potatoes, pears, and bananas. I've also started to give him a little bit of juice mixed with a lot of water. He really likes that too. He loves his bunbo seat and sits in that on the table while we eat dinner. He can even get up on his hands and knees now. I think he'll be training for the Boston marathon shortly!